Archive for the ‘Happiness and Success’ category

It’s Within That Counts

February 20, 2011

My # 2 daughter, Chelsea is fast becoming a part of this effort to add to your day.  Thank you AGAIN Chelsea.  Your poem offers food for thought.

Artwork by Chelsea McKnight

People always try to glamorize their lives, publicize their ties and muffle out their up your eyes to what we all disguise and we could share our minds and deeply empathize.. – Chelsea McKnight

A Harmony That Learns

Let the gift of the real you meet the gift of the real me and we will recognize  one another emanating a harmony that warms, that learns, that heals.

Your Gift to God

November 25, 2010

You may have heard that God’s gift to us is life itself and our gift to God is what we do with our life.  This Thanksgiving consider if this well known prayer can assist you in giving back.

The Prayer of Saint Francis Assisi

“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love.

Where there is injury, pardon.

Where there is doubt, faith.

Where there is despair, hope.

Where there is darkness, light.

Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,

grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;

to be understood, as to understand;

to be loved, as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive.

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.”


We all are born and we will most certainly pass from this existence.  What will you do in between?  Have a great life and please choose to “BE” a positive difference.

the Spirit of Connection

November 19, 2010

“When you see someone do well and you understand interconnection, it adds happiness to you because part of you made it. When someone is separate and apart you could move toward “You have; I don’t.” and be less enthusiastic about celebrating the other’s success.  This usually is not the most productive approach.  When you see the connections you celebrate the success and you say if she can do it I can too.

Actually we require one another’s success.  A motor in and of itself may be a fine thing.  Add it to a vehicle and functionality begins.  The success of the whole relies on the success of its parts.  Stay connected. Look to others success as inspiration and validation that success is within your grasp as well.”  from IF YOU CAN’T CALM THE WATERS LEARN TO RIDE THE WAVES – HOW TO SUCCEED IN TURBULENT TIMES.  Click here for information on  Clif McKnight

Succeeding Together

November 16, 2010

“To team up with people who have expertise in areas you do not gives you immediate access to wisdom, knowledge, experience and even power beyond your present scope.  If you understand and appreciate others you will find people looking for ways to help you.  Operate in a spirit of reciprocity and people will flock to your door to be of assistance.”

Excerpt from IF YOU CAN’T CALM THE WATERS LEARN TO RIDE THE WAVES – How to Succeed in Turbulent Times

The Success Wave in Human Nature

October 17, 2010

Enjoy and ponder on the “Sayings” and “Thoughts” at the end of Chapter 2, The Success Wave in Human Nature from my new release.


“Dost thou love life?  Then do not squander time for time is the stuff life is made of. “ – Benjamin Franklin

“Hindsight may be twenty-twenty vision but Insight is golden. “                                -Clifton McKnight

“Thought is the blossom, language the bud, action the fruit behind it.”                                    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Opportunities are sometimes challenges cleverly disguised as problems.” or “Problems are just opportunities in work clothes.”                                               – Les Brown ?


If you find yourself down in the gutter, as you rise, consider how you got there. That way you don’t have to repeat yourself.

The life we perpetuate is the life we recreate!

Mental begets physical.  Persistent or intense thought lead to action and manifestation.

From IF YOU CAN’T CALM THE WATERS LEARN TO RIDE THE WAVES -How to Succeed in Turbulent Times

Think Good Thoughts Then Connect

September 24, 2010

Think Good Thoughts Then Connect

I endeavor to treat my mind and spirit daily with a little prayer, meditation and affirmation, then I get to work.  I was busily focused at my desk at work and a wonderful thing happened!  I received a knock on the door.  At times when we are trying to finish a task we can be off center when something interrupts that flow .  I am so glad that I followed my morning ritual today because that did not occur and I was poised to receive a magnificent energy from the passer by.

His name is Chuck Croner.  He is a recent retiree who reminded me through his conversation and spirit that angels still walk the earth in human form.  As he shared and asked questions of me my heart and spirit were filled with the joy of this awareness.

Please, pause, focus on all that is good with you and the world, then drink deeply from the positive spirits around you.  The wonderful thing is, if you take the time to treat your spirit prior to quenching your thirst, you will provide a refreshing elixir for others as well.  We are then energized to continue making a difference where the world is not yet right.  Enjoy today and help make someone else’s day.

Spread your Net

September 16, 2010

In the 21st century there is very little that is not within our reach.  You will want to “Look within before you begin.”  Spread your net to include causes you care about that are bigger than you and your personal needs.  Through service we are rewarded. Here are a few thoughts to move you forward.

Illustration by Chelsea McKnight

Look within before you begin. (Illustration by Chelsea McKnight)

1. Be still and listen for inner messages (direction, faith & confidence).

2. Observe the success of others for affirmation and instruction.

3. Help others reach their goals (Great “Karma” & great on the job training) .

4. Customize your approach to meet your needs and circumstances.

5. Make a plan (Write it down.  Create a blueprint).  Include resources (web etc).

6. Act NOW, gauge and adjust.

7. Repeat and tweak as needed.

More useful tips and resources may be found at and in IF YOU CAN’T CALM THE WATERS LEARN TO RIDE THE WAVES – How to Succeed in Turbulent Times. Be sure to use  discount code from new release page

Make Peace with Yourself

September 11, 2010

“Everywhere you go, there you are.” So be your own greatest supporter and forgiver. If you are accountable to others being accountable to yourself becomes magnificent self respect. Make peace with your self and you will experience more intense joy and peace more often. Visit my other blog for a message in honor of 9/11.

Audio Post – Hold True to Yourself

August 15, 2010

Even Collisions Can Fuel Visions

July 22, 2010


You have done it again and I am not surprised. Even collisions can fuel visions when you walk a faithful walk. I say this because when you look back you can see that you have made it through and… you are still standing. Not only that, you are more than before the collision. You are more seasoned. You are stronger and you are wiser.


So next time you are face to face with a collision, make the decision to make the most of it.  Have a Great Day!

See post below for audio.